Project on Harvey Milk inappropriate for California sixth graders
UPDATE: The ACLU has announced that the school has apologized, allowed the presentation to be made to the class, and agreed to rectify its misinterpretation of California's policy on family life/sex education.
On the eve of the California Supreme Court's decision on the challenge to Prop 8, another example has emerged of the ease with which any gay-positive speech can become tainted as sexually inappropriate. In Ramona, CA, a school principal refused to allow a sixth grader to do the in-class presentation portion of a research project because her topic was the life of Harvey Milk.
According to the ACLU, which is representing the girl and her mother:
When Bonnie Jones spoke with the superintendent about the presentation, he said Natalie couldn’t give her presentation because of a district board policy on “Family Life/Sex Education.” A few days later, the school sent letters to parents of students in the class, explaining that her presentation would be held during a lunch recess on May 8, and that students could only attend if they had parental permission.
The principal's decision was based on the school district's policy on "family life/sex education," which provides:
So I guess the story of the early stages of a civil rights movement, as recounted by a 12-year-old girl, falls into the category of "human sexuality" if the movement in question is for lgbt rights. The principal's panicky reaction, absurd as it is, illustrates the fear that children will be "taught" homosexuality, a fear that drove the most effective Yes on 8 ads in last fall's campaign.
And the irony, of course, is that this school project had nothing to do with marriage, and the outcome of the Prop 8 decision tomorrow will have no bearing, either way, on the ACLU's challenge to it.